The Blaze: ‘The Incarnation of Hell…on Planet Earth’: Author Reveals Why Everyone Should Fear the Islamic State and Its ‘Apocalyptic Worldview’

As the Islamic State continues to shock the world by exhibiting and illustrating the sheer depths of its depravity, author Johnnie Moore is sounding the alarm on the dangers that the radical terror group poses, not only to Middle Eastern Christians, but to the world at large.

defying isis

Thomas Nelson

In his forthcoming book, “Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of Its Birth and in Your Own Backyard,” Moore, who is attending the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, Tennessee, this week, offers stories of “horror and hope,” taking readers into some of the heart-wrenching and disturbing first-person accounts of the atrocities carried out by the Islamic State.

Moore, who doesn’t mince words when talking about the terror group, warns in the book that a Christian genocide is underway in the Middle East, as the Islamic State drives Bible-believers from their homes, seizes their possessions and brutally murders children and families.

“ISIS is the incarnation of hell, itself, on planet Earth,” Moore told TheBlaze in an interview.

The author, who is also famed TV producer Mark Burnett’s chief of staff, said his interest in exposing the Islamic State began a few years ago when he was invited to the Middle East to attend meetings convened by Muslim leaders who were concerned about threats being posed to their Christian neighbors.

“Like so many people in the world, I was unaware to the degree to which [Middle Eastern Christians have] been under assault for so long, really since 2004,” he said. ”It was unimaginable.”

Read more at The Incarnation of Hell on Planet Earth. 
