Daily Caller | COPELAND: So You Want To Move To Canada

Within minutes of Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Google searches for how to “move to Canada” spiked dramatically. Hotspots for the search included liberal bastions like Massachusetts, New York, California and Washington. But Trump supporters shouldn’t be overly joyful at the prospect of Democrats moving out – the swing states of Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania were also hotspots for the search.

Periodically, the temptation to flee the country becomes popular. During the 2016 campaign, various celebrities threatened to move out of the country if Donald Trump won. He won, but few if anyone in Hollywood actually moved to Canada or Spain.

There’s a lot to like north of the border. Beautiful scenery, wide open spaces, ice hockey, maple syrup and the Mounties.

Conservatives and libertarians understandably admire Canada. The country ranks higher than the US on the Heritage Foundation’s 2020 Index of Economic Freedom and the Freedom House political freedom index. Its GDP per capita ranks below the US and much of Europe, but is still in the top 20 globally.

And for really old school traditionalists, of course, Canada still has the Queen.

Read more at COPELAND: So You Want To Move to Canada.