Baptist Press: Floyd: Building relationships key to child care support

ROGERS, Ark. (BP) — Building strong relationships with churches and their pastors is key to communicating to Southern Baptists the growing need for their support of child care services, Ronnie Floyd, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, told members of Baptist Coalition for Children and Families (BCCF) gathered for the organization’s 68th annual meeting.

Floyd’s recommendations on how to communicate with SBC churches were:

— Establish in-depth relationships with as many pastors as possible. “Ministry and money travel on the tracks of relationships,” Floyd said.

— Build relationships with leaders of top-giving churches to the Cooperative Program. “Spend time getting to know pastors of these churches and deepen relationships with them. Don’t undervalue relationships.”

— Spend time with local pastors. “In 3 minutes or less, tell pastors your vision and insight into what you do, and ask them how you can better serve them. We exist to serve churches.”

— Join organizations that pastors frequent.

— Instill your vision into the next generation of Baptists. “Take them to lunch. Listen to them. Hear them. The key is to tell the 20- and 30-year-olds about your organization because they don’t know about you.”

— Don’t isolate your agency from the state convention.

— Attend annual SBC meetings. “Please come. We need to know about your agencies, and you need to know and be aware of the bigger picture.”

Read more at Floyd: Building relationships key to child care support. 
