Amazing grace. That was the tone of Donald Trump’s meeting with more than 1,000 evangelical leaders in New York on Tuesday, hosted by Dr. Ben Carson and sponsored by United in Purpose and My Faith Votes. Tamara Scott and I attended together, from Iowa. As I read the tweets during the day from blogger/activists who weren’t there, making statements like “Jesus wasn’t mentioned,” or “a Little Birdie said…” I thanked God for what really transpired.
The meeting began with singing praises to God — songs like “Ten-Thousand Reasons,” “How Great is Our God” and “Amazing Grace,” and continued throughout the day. Pastor Jim Garlow opened in prayer, asking that if there be any coronation today, that it would be King Jesus!
Those in attendance came because they sincerely wanted to hear what Donald Trump had to say — directly to evangelical leaders — on issues crucial to the future of our families and our nation. I’m sure there were people there with agendas, on both sides; there always are, at any meeting. But the TONE of the meeting was polite, sincere, respectful and Christ-honoring. Evangelical leaders were doing exactly what should be done — building relationships with the candidate, fostering communication and understanding, and thus earning the right to advise and mentor this man who could become our next president.
It was humbling to be present among longtime great Christian leaders like James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Bill Dallas, Jim Garlow, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, George Barna, Rick Scarborough, David Barton, David Jeremiah, Franklin Graham, Ralph Reed, E.W. Jackson, Bill Federer, Gary Bauer, Kelly Shackelford, Bob McEwen, James Robison, Carl Lentz, Alveda King, Penny Nance, the Benham Brothers, Joseph Farah, Ken Blackwell, Eric Metaxas and newer leaders and activists like Lila Rose, Leslie Unruh, Marsha Blackburn and Marjorie Dannenfelser as some of them conversed with Mr. Trump on issues of importance to us all.
Read more at Evangelical Grassroots Activist Sums Up ‘Tone’ of Trump Meeting: ‘Amazing Grace.