Charisma | Man Sets Out to Share Jesus With 1 Million Muslims

“Jesus appears to them all the time through visions, dreams and miracles. Sometimes I feel these days if you want to see Jesus, you have to be a Muslim. It’s almost like Jesus is looking at the rest of the world, saying, ‘Look at Me. I love them. I’m healing them, I’m appearing to them. Will you love them with Me?'”

This is the invitation of Hormoz Shariat, head of Iran Alive Ministries, who recently sat down with The Christian Post to share how God is working in the country of Iran, and in the Muslim community. Iran is closed to Christianity; according to Iran Alive Ministries, there are no above-ground Christian churches. However, Christianity is fervently spreading throughout the country, bringing hope and freedom to its people. Shariat’s media ministry is a key tool for Iranian Muslims to encounter the gospel message.

Shariat grew up in the Muslim faith in Iran and moved to the U.S. in 1979 to pursue doctoral studies in artificial intelligence. During that time he began what he refers to as a time of “spiritual questioning.” On a search to discover if God is “really there” he dove into studying the Quran, and after completing it, found it “didn’t add anything” to him. However, he felt compelled to continue studying, despite feeling as though he wouldn’t discover anything new. He picked up the Bible, and while reading the book of Matthew, encountered a different Jesus than the one taught about through Islam.

Read more at Man Sets Out to Share Jesus With 1 Million Muslims.

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