Charisma News | Johnnie Moore Is Being Considered for State Department’s ‘Most Important Job’

According to a new report, President Donald Trump may be planning to fill one of the State Department’s most important jobs with another evangelical Christian.

Johnnie Moore Jr., arguably one of the world’s most outspoken advocates for religious liberty, is being considered for the role of U.S. Ambassador at-Large for International Religious Freedom. The liberal Foreign Policy magazine identified the Christian communications company founder as one of three front-runners for the job.

The other two leading contenders are Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom Director Nina Shea and former Baylor University Chancellor Kenneth Starr.

Shea is a human rights attorney and has served on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom since 1999. She is a Catholic.

Starr is most famous for investigating alleged criminal activity in the Clinton Administration during the 1990s. He is a former U.S. district judge and solicitor general and was once considered a front-runner for the Supreme Court. He is a former Jew who converted to Christianity.

Read more at Johnnie Moore Is Being Considered for State Department’s ‘Most Important Job’.