CBN | COMMENTARY: Be of Good Cheer

Some folks are really scared right now. Deadly, fast-spreading viruses like COVID-19 have that effect. Fear is understandable.

I’ve felt that fear.

When I was 12-years old, my daddy suffered a massive double subarachnoid brain aneurysm hemorrhage while far away at National Guard summer training. He was given three days to live. I was told I’d never see him again.

I was terrified.

On my knees in my grandma’s bedroom, I begged God to save him.

And He did.

Doctors said Dad was the first person in medical history to survive his exact trauma — a miracle, they said. But they warned Dad’s life would be lived in a vegetative state. When he awoke from his coma, they cheered but told us he’d never live a normal life.

Read more at COMMENTARY: Be of Good Cheer.

Rebecca Friedrichs is the founder of For Kids & Country, author of Standing Up to Goliath, and a 28-year public school teacher who led the fight against the divisive tactics, politics and corruption of teachers’ unions as lead plaintiff in Friedrichs v CTA. Her U.S. Supreme Court case paved the way for a precedent-setting ruling which freed all public sector employees from forced unionism.