Commentary: George Verwer Endorses Gospel for Asia

Letter of Support from George Verwer, 
Founder of Operation Mobilization

Dear Friends of Gospel for Asia,

I have known K.P. Yohannan for many decades, all the way back to the time he served in Operation Mobilization, the ministry I founded and directed for more than 46 years.

In fact, K.P. surrendered his life for missions as a young man in one of my meetings in Bangalore in 1967, and he went through training on our OM ship. For the next 8 years he served in Operation Mobilization. I have literally followed his ministry from day one, and even when we had the occasional disagreement, I found him willing to listen and always willing to repent when he had made a mistake.

George Verwer

So, it has been with great joy that I have watched Gospel for Asia become one of the largest, Biblical ministries on the globe, and it has been with great concern that I’ve recently heard of a series of false accusations made against it.

With all my heart, I believe now is the time to stand with this ministry and not to attack it. This is the time to support Gospel for Asia like never before.

If you could take a tour of all of the work they are doing in over a dozen nations in Asia where they are serving, with 15,000 full-time workers, you would be amazed at the numerous churches, seminaries and other ministry facilities they have established. Their TV and radio ministry is also huge and effective. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, no fewer than four times, over the past few years. I’ve stayed with them and ministered among them. They have done all of this good ministry in the middle of a complex environment during a season of significant church growth.

If you could see for yourself what I have seen personally, you would know — as I do — that they have been good stewards of the money you have given and will be good stewards of the money you will provide. In fact, K.P. has always received a modest salary, and their facility in Texas is modest compared with the facilities of many churches and Christian colleges, and certainly so for a ministry of this size and influence.

Of course, Gospel for Asia is not perfect.

No ministry is – and no leader is – but I’ve spent many hours with K.P. over the past year asking him myself about those who’ve opposed him, and he remains very aware of his weaknesses as a person and very willing to correct the inevitable mistakes that all leaders make in dealing with people and learning to grow in grace. He also is the same K.P., pouring his life sacrificially into serving the Church and loving the poor. I have always known K.P. to be a person of integrity, and the same is true today.

I would like to send you a copy of my book Messiology when it comes out in April, which will help you understand what I think and feel so deeply. If you would like a copy, please just ask.

Let us remember the millions in Asia who have been and are continuing to be so deeply impacted by this ministry. I have in many ways written this on their behalf.


Let’s stand with Gospel for Asia.

In His grace and grip for world evangelization,

George Verwer, D.D.