Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie’s ‘A Rush of Hope’ Sees Over 17,000 Accept Christ

Over 1.8 million people tuned in to Greg Laurie’s cinematic crusade “A Rush of Hope” this Labor Day weekend, breaking attendance records in Harvest’s 30 years of holding annual crusades.

“We are breaking every record we have ever set in our history,” Laurie said in a video posted to social media on Sunday.

Yet most important Laurie said are the over 17,000 professions of faith that the Harvest team received from people who decided to follow Jesus after watching the movie.

Since the start of quarantine, Harvest has seen 109,487 people make professions of faith mainly through its online services — a goal the ministry hoped to achieve over a series of in-person crusades between 2020-2021.

“In a year of never-ending bad news, this is the best news we have heard. It’s a reminder that God is greater than a pandemic or any other challenge we are facing. He can do above and beyond anything we can dream, and he is still transforming lives,” Laurie said.

Read more at Greg Laurie’s ‘A Rush of Hope’ Sees Over 17,000 Accept Christ