KCAL 9 News Saturday

reporting in a neighborhood was lucky town of deadly shooting in long beach, police say the victims shot in an apartment complex on west spring street yesterday, he later died at the hospital and S.W.A.T. team was called in the same as a surge for the suspect is a new and a nearby residence were evacuated and others children in place and eventually on the suspect surrendered to authorities in now in custody. Nichelle: a night attributes I dodger’s stadium, the life of vin scully was celebrated them games as his passing tuesday. >> I needed you far more than you needed me c1 with the fans watch a special moment that the man who was the voice of the boys in blue, 467 years, and the worker spray-painted his name and white on pictures mount and they had to be part of this to sell right his life and legacy attributes all of the stadium for a man who informed and entertain fans for decades I just about everyone had a favorite memory or story. >> We used to sit in the outfield from a grandfather and he would play the radio and listen him in the outfield when the games were on. Those are the good times. >> Is a sad moment but I have moment I am happy moment because I was here on his last broadcast day and time in 2000 ceasing a even had a ticket in my memory book. Nichelle: people traveled from all over to pay their respects was certainly a memorable night interspersed director jim hill, was also have us nice tribute any will have more for us later in sports. Rachel: another iconic dodgers helping los angeles kids get ready to head back to school this morning. Nichelle: clayton kershaw is teaming up with dream center to give backpacks away today in kcal9 lauren pozen is live in echo park. Reporter: good morning well it is almost showtime here and organizers are putting the finishes touch is out to that all of these people in any event here since 2:00 o’clock in the morning and the line goes all the way down around the building here and of course, they are all here for one thing that is to get school supplies and it all starts with a backpacks and they’re the art, right there in the middle with the balloons next to them and inside of this backpacks, school supplies and I want to show you some video from last year, organizers say this year they expect even more people to come out pretty this is the ninth year dream center in the kershaw challenge have teamed up to do this for the community and everything is free to generous donations and there are 3500 backpacks and they are all loaded with the goods coming up pencils, markers, paper, folders, and new this year stocks and also some essential kids and insight numbers when read masks and hygiene products to the basics no earlier this morning we spoke with kelly bradley, she is the executive director of the dream center and she told us the goal here is really take some of the financial pressure off of families when it comes to going back to school expenses. >> It has definitely been a different here, for sure, not just in getting donations but in just the increase of need and post covid-19 we talk a lot more families that are struggling and a lot more families that have become homeless for the first time. Reporter: and summons everybody gets a backpacks, then the fun will continue is all most like a carnival behind me, there is paris will, magical jim, some fun things and I have just been told that I can tell you finally breaks the liberty guess will become a clayton kershaw of course any is here and will be speaking with him and about half an hour to get his take on this exciting day and like you said, gates were open here in about hundred 30 minutes back to you. Rachel: I cannot wait to hear from clayton kershaw great event and all of those items they need for back to school, really adds up and it is expensive. Rachel: is so important in time right now is right in “kcal9 news” at 9:00 A.M. this just getting started, will good news for college students in california, details on the program you go to college for free. Nichelle: an airline sees coming of this they have been shrinking, you have less and less room and how the faa is now asking for help from travelers to make things right. This isn’t Charmin! No wonder