NBC29 HD News at Sunrise

governor glenn youngkin signed a bill formally defining anti semitism to help prevent hate crimes.. . It adopts the working definition of anti semitism adopted by the international holocaust remembrance alliance. It will be used to train first responders and educators — to guide them on how to respond to hate crimes and prevent anti semitism. Elan Carr, Senior Advisor to Combat Antisemitism Movement: It is an important guide and tool to recognizing antisemitism and then acting against it and acting against it might not be anything other than a condemnation. >>>jared: may is also now recognized as jewish american heritage month in virginia. >>>jen: yesterday (wed) — a group of bicyclists riding for a good cause slowed down traffic between richmond and charlottesville… N-b-c 29’s dryden quigley caught up with the group when it made a stop in gordonsville. Each of the bikers that you see riding by represents a different police officer who lost their life. Not all of these riders are police officer themselves – some are family members of those who died. “each officer has their own story.” this is second liutenant richard theal – a police officer from fairfax county. It’s not his first time on the route. “for this year, I have John Donohue, who was a fairfax county of police officer. He used to actually be part of this chapter, and had succumbed to covid last year.” every year chapter 4 of the police unity tour bikes 230 miles from richmond to d.c – meeting with chapters from around the country at the national law enforcement officers memorial. “it’s surreal for me.” this year, the names of two hundred and twenty four officers who died in 2022 will be added. Many of their family members will there to greet the riders. “when you get that experience to be able to speak with the family members, the survivors, give them your wristband and tell them thank you for the sacrifice that your husband, your wife, your son your daughter has given this is just something small that I can do. And riding a bike is what we do.” the group will arrive in washington d-c on may 12. In gordonsville dryden quigley n- b-c 29 news. >>>jared: albemarle county supervisors had a strategic planning retreat yesterday (wed) at u-v-a’s north fork discovery park… Its focus is on high performance, strategic governance and how to work better as a team. Supervisors also looked at bigger picture ideas for the county and changes they want to see made in the future. Emily Kilroy//ALBEMARLE county pio it’s really good for all of us to sort of hear and discuss together opportunities where we can put everybody in the best position to be successful, everybody in the room is aligned around the idea of service to the