One News Now | Statistics inspire Voter Registration Sunday

According to My Faith Votes, there are 90 million Christians in America, but as many as 25 million fail to vote in the presidential cycle. Meanwhile, as many as 72 million do not vote in local elections.

Because of this, My Faith Votes is encouraging churches to participate in Voter Registration Sunday on September 22nd.

“Churches are not permitted to endorse a candidate, but they are more than able to host a voter registration drive and encourage their church members to bring biblical values out into the public square and into the voting booth,” said Audrea Decker, communications director for My Faith Votes on the “Washington Watch” radio program. “One of the things that we have done for people is created a really simple guide that has all the legal dos and don’ts for church leadership to know exactly what they can do in their church, and people can access that at”

“I was absolutely flabbergasted when I read as many as 40 million don’t vote in presidential elections and 15 million are not even registered in the first place,” said Sarah Perry, director of partnerships at Family Research Council (FRC).

“Yeah,” agreed Decker. “That’s why we launched Voter Registration Sunday. And if your church can’t do that September 22nd, pick another day and host a voter registration drive and make sure that people in your church are engaged.”

Read more at Statistics inspire Voter Registration Sunday