[Op Ed] Christian Post | Congress: Do the right thing and boost US aid to battle Covid

As Congress negotiates the terms of another Covid-19 stimulus package, it is critically important that Democrats and Republicans do not neglect to generously fund U.S. efforts to help those in need around the world.

To begin with, 70% of countries across the world are ill-equipped to deal with a public health threat like Covid-19. There are also dozens of conflict-affected countries where further destabilization could have catastrophic and rolling consequences across whole swaths of our world.

Take Nigeria and Lebanon as examples.

Maj. Gen. Dagvin Anderson, who heads the U.S. Special Operations Command in Africa issued a sober warning this week, “extremists will look to exploit any opportunity they get, and COVID presents those opportunities.


Read the article in full at Congress: Do the right thing and boost US aid to battle Covid.