wife from our kids like you know maybe a Chicago talk to somebody about this so many high laws I guarantee if you go goalie plus or so high line, you get a polling numbers and you talk to somebody about it is not. You don’t have to feel like it’s like me I’m the only one in the World is thinking like these on my life is so miss the air body mist up if you can’t figure out. Everybody got issues. Everybody is probably thought about what is what is like if they wouldn’t here no more. So you’re not in a uniquely dark place and dizziness always enough time to talk to somebody to get it out. A lot of this is probably built up anger frustration and boss of the inevitable that’s not really inevitable smoke and mirrors, so I don’t have hotline number for you to call but I’m sure if you ever thinking about it. I’m not trying to push any by the Cardoso and be weird but like if you ever in a position you think about if you listen to me on the radio. You can call it on the radio and to have a conversation which and talk talking through it if if that were the case, you know, I’ve talk people out of suicide before people people in my family and I thought also talk people out of suicide who were physically in person, you know, this is some of the stuff was on the phone. But I’ve done it physically in person with people are being a police officer and and so I’m open to that. I had a guy would say your story it was weird like people sometime like I’ve kind of prevented people get my personal number but people used to give my personal number a lot and I was asked to fall and a kid call me and this is why is the fall so T car me and I say a kid up and he was like 20 a something so he calls me on the phone so he goes miss it Atem please don’t make up, O me it missed a dome I get is me what’s up man would like you got my number I met you itemize. We’ll talk to you. So he was like, you know, it granted I’ll be honest man like I want to kill myself and and this is the man. I don’t like and like mean wife again ice cream and I’m like, Ah, but baby I got it I got to talk to his kid to make sure you don’t kill herself and what happened was he Bit up now. I don’t know if it’s open for true but what happened was, you know, having sex with a minor would a miner and he was like 29 19 in a person was I came in ways they were and he got in contact about police and he thought his life is going to be over how to fall I ran out of time. I’ll be back at the break. Let’s face it, talking about life insurance is ever easy but after we watched a close friend loser husband with no insurance. We decided that wasn’t thing to happen to our family Yeah but shopping for life insurance can be. Almost as difficult is talking about. But then we heard about ethos life insurance they’re a new kind of life insurance bill for people on a busy schedule. I don’t have time for a necessary doctors visits fine print or hidden fees. You know who want to keep it I couldn’t believe how you see it what we answer a few basic questions and within minutes we had an estimate a board would cost you what sort of policy made sense for us I never imagined life insurance to be so Affordable and accessible the peace of mind knowing that our future secure it just removes a lot of the fear around getting older and Yeah, the unexpected I’m glad we talked about it. I’m glad we went with ethos life Dotcom no to get ethos Dotcom now for your free estimate that’s get E th os Dotcom get either start Gov. Dennis Prager here join us in Israel this fall soon time will run out and then you’ll regret you didn’t go a promise. Mike gallagher retire headed back to Israel October with our trusted partner inspiration Cruz’s indoors, no miss this incredible opportunity we stand with israel. Look, the name of the tour will be visiting amazing places in the holy land designed to encourage captivating you at every turn visits and with Israel tour dot come and sign up today in Israel looks more some of the most fascinating sight from religious and political history will walking on the streets of Jerusalem sale the Sea of Galilee float in the dead Sea sitting in that seat. With all the tling rejuvenating effect on the visit to the Western wall virtual experience you always remember our expert guide. To help us bring the significance of every site and our food and accommodation for specifically designed with you will find no other triple B like the stand with israel tour. Sign up today the travel with my Gallagher and me this October call 8.5 5.5 55 19 or just visit stand with israel, toured a Let’s see is something cost less but people are happier with it. That sounds like something to look into and that is Medishare maybe you’ve heard switching to met a share to pay for health care can save many families of the 500 Bucks a month. And that is huge but it’s also true that people are way more satisfied after making the switch to the member satisfaction rate for Medishare is double