Radio clip from WOAI-AM (Radio) at 2023-08-13 19:16:31.000

know, talkers anyway so this I hope to strike you like it did me. This is 2019, Dennis Prager is on bill Mars show bill Mar a dedicated man of the left an extremely bright guy and very very well-informed as were his guest Praeger is crying to tell them what the radical gender theory people believe and what they’re going to try to teach kids in schools. And he is practically laughed off the set. Because in 2019 this stuff was so obviously Looney tunes. Nobody could believe anybody believed it, much less that we’d be forced to spout this stuff Michael clips 76 maestro their giant left-wing law we’re talking about degrees say that men convinced your weight is a lie, and that is now I think not menstruate was considered transphobia I miss this host very certain are you getting just Google it can men menstruate, who is saying this and how do you allow men biological meant to run against women in the races in Connecticut and shut all the House they’re called men nation I wouldn’t sit there but I would agree with you on that. The way you frame it is none says perfectly. I don’t know, you didn’t. What you’re talking about is Yes, someone who is trends gender was a man now claims to be a woman there’s a woman OK is meeting the dog out of other women in the race because of course they have more muscle mass and even Martinez never too low for came up so this is ridiculous. We might as well not have women’s sport this is A far cry from saying men can Minister wait bone that’s now striking is that well so the pendulum was still way back there and swinging toward the madness. At that point that wasn’t 1970 was 2019. Right. And like you said, you can tell from the crowd, which is a lefty educated crowd happen right like who would say that that’s crazy run. How many of them had ended up with kids in college spouting that very thing. 100% and now you dare not in corporate America or or state laws or federal laws are let me put it like this. They are now stating a birthing person because a man can have a baby a man can menstruate, a man can ovulate a man can have a baby because once you allow them to deny reality which is a man is a manners woman as a woman as I always say I don’t care if you’re but your family, you should be you you’re fine but I’m not going to call a man and a woman just because they say I’m a woman that I don’t make me on my knees deny reality like I’m some sort of prisoner of a mouse struggle sex session and what Mar hadn’t gotten at that point had been exposed to a guest was that’s the nature of this. They force you to say that person giving birth is a man say it and I have to say a man can give birth a man convinced Roy please don’t hurt me. Please don’t run me out of my career and marks totally unaware that well I would have been aware of it at the time from liberal saying essentially that’s blanking idiotic to you dare not speak out against it in 3 years because the status quo. Last year, right, or you’ve committed up physical harm right Yeah the speeches violence you’ve created danger you’ve driven them to suicide Sarah Sarah I just thought that was amazing. That’s pretty good gets more good stuff from more on the gender bending deal but I don’t know maybe squeeze and we’ll talk it over a good have Jack back Mike lines at the bottom of this hour to talk about the bombing of the port in Ukraine that broke windows across the River in Romania NATO member well, I you won’t believe this, you you wouldn’t think this is what a personal do with their sick time. I have a really heavy-duty Trump segment good where I know I’m not sure I mentioned Trump yesterday. I’ll have to check that. Good for you, but I took in a fair amount of punditry and podcasts or get some really interesting Trump questions to to provide to you