More than 1,000 Evangelicals Gather in NYC June 21 for Private Meeting to Discuss Important Issues; Summary Press Conference to Follow
NEW YORK, June 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump will engage in a dialogue with nearly 1,000 Evangelical Christian leaders on Tuesday, June 21, in New York City during the United in Purpose and My Faith Votes joint gathering, “A Conversation About America’s Future with Donald Trump and Ben Carson.”
The event, which is a private, invitation-only gathering closed to the media, will center around an opportunity for Trump to address 20 leader-submitted questions on issues critical to the faith community, including topics of religious liberty, race, Israel, national defense, Supreme Court nominees, immigration, sanctity of life, poverty and worldwide Christian persecution. Dr. Carson will open the event with a welcome and challenge on the importance of unity in seeking God’s for our nation, and key leaders will ask questions within their respective areas of expertise.
“We know over the past four election cycles, an average of more than 25 million Evangelicals registered to vote did not show up at the polls, and another 13 million are not even registered to exercise that privilege and responsibility,” said Bill Dallas, the originator of the gathering and CEO of United in Purpose, an inclusive non-partisan organization committed to bringing about cultural change in America based on Judeo-Christian principles and motivating and mobilizing people of faith in the democratic process through responsible citizenship.
“The purpose of this event is not to tell leaders for whom they should vote but rather educate them on the issues at hand, motivate them to encourage their constituencies to engage the culture, and activate them to vote for whichever candidate they feel best reflects their values and worldview,” Dallas continued.
Leaders will also hear from a number of prominent speakers, including researcher George Barna, founder of The Barna Group, who will address the attendees on the State of the Country and New York Times bestselling author and national radio host, Eric Metaxas, who will provide a vision for America.
Additionally, a panel discussion with conveners of the event will provide a time of reflection on what has been learned and discuss action steps moving forward. The entire day will include a prayerful spirit and call to unity.
Following the event, at 3:30 p.m. EDT, organizers and conveners will hold a press conference in the Wilder Room at the Marriott Marquis Hotel to summarize the scope, substance and takeaways of the more than 1,000 leaders. Individuals in attendance include Dallas, My Faith Votes Founder and President Sealy Yates, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, First Liberty Institute President and CEO Kelly Shackelford, Esq., Hispanic Action Network Founder Pastor Mark Gonzales and American Civil Rights Union Fellow Ken Blackwell.
Read more at Trump to Answer Questions from Faith Leaders: United in Purpose & My Faith Votes.