The Christian Post | 5 ways to effectively lead during the COVID-19 crisis

Leadership is a privilege. But it also can be challenging, especially in a time of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is when we are in the crucible that true leadership is revealed.

The good news is, failure, crisis, and problems are opportunities for new beginnings. In the midst of all of the chaos, do not forget that opportunity is often brilliantly disguised as adversity.

Yes, a crisis is a dangerous opportunity, but nothing will elevate you as a leader more than successfully navigating through a storm.The good news is, failure, crisis, and problems are opportunities for new beginnings. In the midst of all of the chaos, do not forget that opportunity is often brilliantly disguised as adversity.

People may be impressed by what we have built, but they are influenced by how we respond when someone or something tries to tear it down.

How can we respond well right now as leaders?

Read more at 5 ways to effectively lead during the COVID-19 crisis