The Christian Post | 5 ways you can inspire love in unequally yoked marriage

Being married to a non-believer can feel a lot like going to war in your own home daily. The disagreements that arise can feel defeating and make you feel like it’s you vs your spouse. I believe the Bible when it says, “Love covers a multitude of sins” in 1 Peter 4:8. If you’re struggling to love, here are some practical ways to bless your marriage that you can do today.

1. Pray

When was the last time you prayed for your spouse? Like really prayed for them? More than “God save them.” I’m guilty of this myself. If we are serious about keeping our marriage healthy, we’ve got to pray like it. Pray for their day, for them to be blessed. Pray for God to show up in extraordinary ways and that they feel loved by Him. Pray they do well at work.

Pray for their friendships and their families. Pray for blessings over your marriage. Pray for them to be a kind, generous, loving parent (if you have or are planning on having kids). Pray that God uses them in their unbelief. Pray for protection from the enemy for them. If you aren’t sure where to start, there are lots of books available as a resource for praying for your spouse.

2. Cut them some slack

As a believer, we are held to some standards that our unbelieving partners are not. In our union of marriage and becoming one, it’s hard to watch our significant others indulge in things that we shouldn’t. But, holding them to the same standard isn’t fair and can be damaging to our relationships.

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Read more at 5 ways you can inspire love in unequally yoked marriage.