The Daily Caller: Southern Baptists Consider Banning Confederate Battle Flags

The Southern Baptist Convention is considering a resolution to reject the Confederate flag and stop displaying it.

The Southern Baptist Convention will be meeting Tuesday and Wednesday to hear from National Baptist Convention, USA President Dr. Jerry Young and to vote on a variety of resolutions. The Confederate flag is the biggest topic they’ll debate, and was submitted to the committee that decides with resolutions get to the floor for consideration.

The Confederate flag has been attacked on the local, state and national level in the past few years after Dylan Roof shot and killed nine people in a Charleston, S.C., church.

The resolution was first proposed in April by Dwight McKissic, a black pastor in Texas. In blog posts, McKissic wrote that taking a stand against the Confederate flag would help make up for the Southern Baptist Convention’s past.
Read more at Southern Baptists Consider Banning Confederate Battle Flags. 
