we shalln’t let someone here one month, live in new york city one month in order to vote. And so many new yorkers look at that and say that’s not adequate. >> You know other states will follow with that too. What do you think will happen? Tied up in the courts? Will people be able to vote in the meantime? This will impact the primaries and general next year. >> One thing about this is, this is what city council is trying to do. They’re already looking rolling this back to make sure it’s just municipal city wide. Statewide they know it will get shot down. Zero chance. They looked at this. This can’t work for state and federal elections just mayor and city council and city wide elections and they see the issues with this bill. Considering they have narrowed the bill to only new york city. I think this doesn’t hold water. And I think it’s one of the things that even de blasio is looking at and saying no. We know how radical he’s been on stuff, we know there’s real issues with this bill. >> De blasio no one more radical than him if he’s not for it hopefully it will get shot down. Enjoy the parade and thank you for what you’ve done over the years. >> To you and all the “real story” viewers I wish you and your family a wonderful happy thanksgiving. >> God bless you, andrew, see you soon. >> Thank you. >> As we count our blessings this week, when is the last time we told someone thank you? What kind of power is in that? Pastor jack graham joins us. Don’t go anywhere. We’ll see you after the break. >> It’s quite the story. Ten lepers who asked jesus to heal them, and when he did, they walked away back to their families and friends back to their own lives, the normal life they’d prayed for ten lepers. Yet guess how many came back to say ‘thank you’? Just one, and if you think god can’t be surprised well jesus certainly was as he asked him ‘were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to god?’ how could they not say thank you? Well how can we not say thank you when god has done so much for us? Shouldn’t we be ‘entering his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise’ every single day? Joining us now with more on this senior pastor of prestonwood baptist church, dr. Jack graham. Pastor, we all read the story and we get so upset on the other nine. But we are the other nine so many times. >> Well, we can be. But you know god made us to give thanks. And he created us to worship