Dr. James Dobson, founder of Family Talk radio and an adviser to previous presidents, has announced his endorsement of Donald Trump for the office of president in 2016.
Dobson, who had endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz while he still was in the race, confirmed the choice in a statement that was released on Time.com.
“I have decided to endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States, not only because of my great concern about Hillary Clinton,” he wrote. “I am supporting Mr. Trump primarily because I believe he is the most capable candidate to lead the United States of America in this complicated hour.”
A spokesman for the famed Christian leader told Time the endorsement was prompted by Cruz’s address to the Republican National Convention, when Cruz congratulated the GOP candidate but did not endorse him.
Dobson’s statement continued with the comment he’s “very enthusiastic” of Trump’s choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as the vice presidential candidate.
He also expressed his approval of “Trump’s commitments to ‘appoint conservative Supreme Court justices, preserve religious liberty, rebuild the military, and defend the sanctity of human life,’” the report said.
“On Trump’s position on abortion, Dobson said he is choosing ‘not to evaluate him based on his past position but rather on what he says are his current convictions.’”
WND reported last month when Dobson, as well as another firebrand in the community of evangelical Christians, former Rep. Michele Bachmann, joined a special faith advisory panel announced by Trump.
Trump’s campaign said at the time the board will provide advisory support on issues important to evangelical Christians and other people of faith.
The board also will lead “a much larger Faith and Cultural Advisory Committee” that will be announced later this month, the campaign said.
The campaign said the appointments are an expression of Trump’s desire to have access to wise counsel, not necessarily an endorsement of Trump by the individual Christian leaders.
Bachmann served four terms in Congress representing Minnesota before she retired. But she has never backed away from her support of Christian values and was mocked by President Obama for her expressions of faith.