Responding to an expert for the United Nation’s Human Rights Committee who recently advocated killing unborn children who have Down syndrome, a young woman with the condition fired back.

“You sir, do not speak for my community,” Charlotte Fien said a video on the website for the European Center for Law and Justice, a non-governmental organization that has special consultative status before the United Nations.

She was responding to Ben Achour, who said that a diagnosis of Down syndrome in the womb “does not mean that we have to accept to let a disabled fetus live.”

“If you tell a woman your child as Down … what is it called? Down syndrome. If you tell her that, or that he may have a handicap forever, for the rest of his life, it should be possible for her to resort to abortion to avoid the handicap [as] a preventive measure,” he said.

Fien responded: “I’m a human being just like you. Our only difference is an extra chromosome. My extra chromosome makes me far more tolerant than you, sir. (…) If any other [in]heritable traits like skin color were used to eradicate a group of people the world would cry out.”

She went on: “Why are you not crying out when people like me are being made extinct? What have We done to make you want us to disappear? As far as I know my community doesn’t hate, discriminate or commit crimes.”

Fien said Achour essentially is advocating eugenics.

“It’s disgusting and evil. You need to apologize for your horrible comments,” she said. “You should also be removed from the Human Rights Committee as an expert. You are not an expert about Down syndrome. You sir, do not speak for my community. … I will fight for our right to exist for the rest of my life.”

She pointed out Achour has used the word “suffering” in relation to Down syndrome.

“The only thing we have to suffer are horrible people who want to make us extinct,” she said. “I have a brilliant life. I have a family that loves me. I have great friends. I have an acdive social life.”

She suggested that the Human Rights Committee appoint her as an expert.

“I will fight for our right to exist,” she said.

In a Web comment, Michael Jupp wrote: “Beautiful to watch and amazing to listen to. Who has the right to determine who can or should live. We are destroying every day unborn children, and who knows who they would have become if allowed to live. Thank you Charlotte for speaking out.”

“Well said Charelotte (sic),” wrote Neil Chamberlain. “Unfortunately the U.N. is riddled with these so called ‘experts’ who do not value human life.”

WND reported in August on Iceland’s effort to eliminate Down syndrome by aborting any unborn child with the diagnosis. More than four out of five women in the nation have a prenatal screening test, and nearly 100 percent who test positive test for Down syndrome chose to abort their child.

Dr. James Dobson, who for decades has been the radio voice for Christians on children, family, life and marriage, first with Focus on the Family and now with Family Talk radio, warned the development in Iceland is similar to Nazi practices.

“I have rarely seen a story that so closely resembles Nazi-era eugenics as a recent report about Iceland ‘eradicating’ nearly 100 percent of Down syndrome births through abortion,” he said. “This is a trend closely followed by other Western nations including Denmark, France and even the United States. We should all be deeply sorrowful and outraged.”

He warned: “The Bible tells us that ‘we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.’ I know countless parents who would say the same of their own children with Down syndrome. A child born with a chromosome defect is a child made in God’s image, fully capable of living a happy, productive and healthy life.

“Each of them is blessed with a wide range of unique gifts and abilities, and they are as capable of giving and receiving love just as you and I are. They deserve a chance to live and those of us in the church must speak out on their behalf. May we place ourselves on the right side of history and fight for the cause of life for all of the unborn,” he said.

Fox News reported actress Patricia Heaton also was outraged.

“Iceland isn’t actually eliminating Down syndrome. They’re just killing everybody that has it. Big difference,” she wrote.