Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig

"We pursue the God who is passionately pursuing a lost world; we do this with one another, through worship, by the Word, to the world." - Pastor Skip Heitzig

Arming children with hope and love: Reload Love’s ‘Love Bomb’ campaign to raise money for children traumatized by international terrorism

Feb. 9, 2021

ALBUQUERQUE — Thousands of children around the world are maimed, orphaned or killed because of terrorism each year. This Valentine’s Day, Calvary Church intends to provide children who are terrorism survivors with hope and love through “The Love Bomb,” an annual 48-hour virtual fundraising event for Reload Love, a ministry founded in 2014 by Lenya Heitzig, executive director of Sheologie at Calvary Church and author of “Reload Love: Transforming Bullets to Beauty and Battlegrounds to Playgrounds.” 

“While international disaster or terror may fade from our American news cycle, it never goes away for these precious children,” said Lenya Heitzig. “They’ve been rescued, they’ve survived, but they continue to live with trauma every day.”

Reload Love serves children in 14 countries, including Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand and Uganda through in-country partnerships for relief supplies, children’s programs and safe spaces. These projects are funded by donors and sales of jewelry crafted from upcycled bullet casings and other merchandise. Thus far, Reload Love has given hundreds of thousands of dollars for education programs, tuition, school supplies, clothing and bedding to orphanages and the construction of 47 playgrounds.

Currently, “The Love Bomb” has a fundraising goal of $150,000, and 100% of donations will be used to bring spiritual, emotional and physical healing to children in Nigeria and other priority communities. Last year, “The Love Bomb” had a fundraising goal of $150,000 and raised $230,000. 

“Children have three primary needs,” said Lenya Heitzig. “They need to be cared for, they need safe adults to acknowledge trauma has occurred in their lives and they need a sense of normalcy. ‘Love Bomb’ allows us to meet these needs and to arm these children with hope and love.”

“The Love Bomb” will be held Feb. 13-Feb. 14, and Calvary Church will have special “The Love Bomb” services on Saturday, Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m. MT and Sunday, Feb. 14 at 9 and 11 a.m. MT.  

To learn more about the event, to participate or to “drop a love bomb” by making a one-time donation visit

More information about Calvary Church is available here.

Calvary Church is a fellowship of believers who pursue the God who passionately pursues a lost world; they do this by connecting with one another, through worship, by the Word, to the world. Based in New Mexico, Calvary Church sees over 16,000 weekly in-person attendees, plus a vast online audience around the world. Their purpose is creating life change.