FOREST, Va. — Christian humanitarian organization World Help launched Freedom Friday, a new campaign to fight sexual slavery, Wed., April 26.
The Freedom Friday campaign calls Christians to take a “one-night stand for freedom” by giving up their evening entertainment Friday, May 19, and donating its monetary worth to help girls trapped in sexual slavery find freedom. Go to now and sign the online pledge to take this “one-night stand for freedom.”
“We are living in a time when millions of girls worldwide are held captive in a thriving and sprawling industry that sells their bodies, dignity and freedom for profit,” said Noel Yeatts, vice president of World Help. “We can’t ignore these girls, and we can’t let them suffer alone. As Christians, we have to take a stand for them. It might be their freedom, but it’s our fight.
“Because of this, World Help is calling every Christian who wants to see sexual slavery end to take a stand, for one night, for every girl who is forced daily to give up her body and her freedom,” Yeatts said.
“Rather than going out shopping or for dinner or a movie on Friday, May 19, we are asking people to give up their evening’s entertainment and donate its monetary worth so that a girl can find freedom.”
For the past few years, World Help has dedicated concentrated efforts to launching anti-human trafficking and anti-sexual slavery initiatives in South Asia.
Earlier this year, Yeatts and World Help President and Founder Vernon Brewer traveled to Pattaya, Thailand, to dedicate a rehabilitation home for young women who want to leave the sex industry. In India’s Banchara community, where 12-year-old girls follow tradition and enter into prostitution to provide for their families, World Help has launched clean-water projects and constructed a rehabilitation home for sex workers and a church in a local village.
Though May 19 is the designated date for World Help’s Freedom Friday campaign, you can also hold your own Freedom Friday event at another date with your friends and family to help fight sexual slavery, Yeatts added.
World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization committed to serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. Since its inception in 1991, World Help has delivered humanitarian aid to more than 79 million people in 70 countries.
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