My Faith Votes

My Faith Votes exists to inspire and motivate 25 million Christians who were registered to vote but who chose not to vote in 2012.  The movement's Honorary National Chairman is Dr. Ben Carson.

[Statement] After Kavanaugh Confirmation, My Faith Votes Calls on All Americans to Respect the Dignity and Sincerity of Belief of Those Whose Values Differ

Oct. 6, 2018

DALLAS — Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes, releases the following statement in response to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by the U.S. Senate Saturday:

“The reality today is this: the Senate has confirmed a new Justice to the Supreme Court. The process by which that new Associate Justice was evaluated and confirmed was the most raucous, partisan and unseemly affair to come out of Washington in recent memory — perhaps ever. Surely few Americans feel proud of the display we’ve seen from many of our elected officials the past weeks.


“Contrary to how the mainstream media and partisans on both sides would have us believe, this confirmation process was not a fight for which party is ‘for’ or ‘against’ women. Most Americans saw through that shallow tactic for what it was: a hijacking of the legitimacy and intent of the #MeToo movement for political expediency. The truth is our nation faces a deplorable deficiency in the dignity ascribed to women. Christian men, when acting like real men, know that women are made in the image of God and deserve dignity and respect as image-bearers, not images as the world promotes. This is a spiritual battle we face, and it should bring us to our knees for our mothers, wives, daughters and neighbors.

“Now is a time for Christians to pray. Justice Kavanaugh has been afforded the rare privilege to serve on the highest court in the land, and his decisions will impact Americans for generations. So let us pray for him, that his service to this nation would be the epitome of impartiality, integrity and an unswerving commitment to the Constitution. 

“Let us also pray for our nation, that the seething anger and discord of our politics of late would no longer drive us apart. The ‘you’re-either-for-us-or-against-us’ mentality MUST be replaced with a ‘we’re-all-in-this-together’ commonality. All Christians, indeed all Americans, must faithfully participate in the process of government — from the youngest voter to the oldest public servant — and advocate for our values while respecting the dignity and sincerity of belief of those whose values differ. Let us pray that we learn again the strength of civility.”




My Faith Votes is a nonpartisan movement focused on motivating Christians in America to participate in local and domestic elections. By partnering with local churches, pastors and national faith leaders, My Faith Votes mobilizes and resources Christians to lead the conversation on the place of faith in culture and politics. Gov. Mike Huckabee serves as the organization’s honorary national chairman.

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