GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Jentezen Franklin, senior pastor of Free Chapel, releases the following statement ahead of Election Day:
“We’ve all seen the headlines recently: Members of Congress having their homes vandalized, their husbands, wives and children threatened, suspicious packages sent to current and former lawmakers, and others chased out of restaurants. It’s been one horrifying story after another.
As Christians, we need to lead the way and show our friends and families that we can disagree about important issues, yet still be respectful and civil to one another. We need to be able to come around the dinner table and engage with one another despite differing opinions. Violence and threats of violence are cowardly responses, and Christ has called us to the exact opposite. Christ urged us to be peacemakers in our homes and our communities. I cannot emphasize enough how incredibly important this is today. Some peacemaking is needed now more than ever.
Followers of Christ also need to lead the way on one of our primary responsibilities as citizens—voting. Christians are known for being on the front lines when disaster strikes, and they also ought to be known for being at the front of the line when it’s time to make a choice, when the polls open and it’s time to vote. I believe voting is a moral obligation for Christians. Voting in each and every election demonstrates that we treasure the amazing opportunity we have to let our voice be heard on the issues of the day. It demonstrates that we don’t take this liberty lightly and that we care about our neighbors and their future.
What a unique moment in history to be living in a land that was founded on the profound truth that everyone is ‘endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.’ I would urge every Christian and every American vote to keep it that way.”
Pastor Jentezen Franklin is the Senior Pastor of Free Chapel, a multi campus church. Each week his television program Kingdom Connection is broadcast on major networks all over the world. A New York Times best-selling author, Jentezen has written nine books including his most recent, Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt, the groundbreaking Fasting and Right People-Right Place-Right Plan. Jentezen and his wife Cherise have been married 31 years, have five children and four grandchildren, and make their home in Gainesville, Georgia.
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