[Statement] Dr. Ronnie Floyd Commends the Signing of Pro-Life Bill

Apr. 14, 2017

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — Dr. Ronnie Floyd releases the following statement commending the signing of a bill that returns power to the states to withhold Title X federal funds from clinics that provide abortions:

“Every Christian and every person who cares about the life of the unborn should be celebrating today: our nation has taken another step toward ending the daily killing of thousands of children. This week the president signed a bill that overturns a rule coercing individual states to give funds to abortion providers. I commend the members of Congress who pushed forward this resolution and held their ground for Vice President Mike Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote. And I thank the president for keeping his word to not allow abortion to go unchecked under his watch. Let us not stop our work until the God-ordained sanctity of every human life is recognized and protected.”


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church and the Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention. He serves on the board of directors of the Family Research Council. Follow him on Twitter @ronniefloyd.