[Statement] Dr. Ronnie Floyd Issues Call to Prayer for Victims, First Responders of Las Vegas Shooting

Oct. 2, 2017

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — Dr. Ronnie Floyd, president of the National Day of Prayer, issues call to prayer for victims and first responders of Las Vegas shooting:

“The unthinkable and horrific acts of violence against innocent people in Las Vegas moves us to prayer immediately. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with those who have lost loved ones. We pray for those being cared for, as well as for all the first responders.”


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the senior pastor of Cross Church and president of the National Day of Prayer, which each year mobilizes millions of Americans to unified public prayer for the United States of America. He’s the immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Follow him on Twitter (@ronniefloyd), Instagram (@ronniefloyd) and Facebook.