DALLAS — Jason Yates, CEO of the nonpartisan movement My Faith Votes, responds to yesterday’s terror attack in New York City:
“Once again, terrorism has struck our nation and brought with it terrible heartbreak and loss. As Americans and people of faith, we pray for the victims’ families, the injured, the first responders and our government leaders to be given strength and wisdom during this tragedy. As Romans 12 instructs us, in the aftermath of yesterday’s attack, we must be determined to ‘not be overcome by evil’ but instead, ‘overcome evil with good.’ Terrorism can only win if we allow it to divide us.Therefore, we must show the world what it means to unite around our shared values of freedom, peace and the dignity of all life in the face of such hatred.”
My Faith Votes is a nonpartisan movement focused on motivating Christians in America to participate in local and domestic elections. By partnering with local churches, pastors and national faith leaders, My Faith Votes mobilizes and resources Christians to lead the conversation on the place of faith in culture and politics. Gov. Mike Huckabee serves as the organization’s honorary national chairman.
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