For Kids and Country

For Kids & Country unites, engages, educates, and empowers parents, teachers, students, faith leaders, and citizens in the fight to restore our schools and culture.

[Statement] Rebecca Friedrichs Congratulates President Trump’s Actions to Protect Free Speech on College Campuses

Mar. 22, 2019

LOS ANGELES — Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of For Kids & Country, issues the following statement in support of President Trump’s executive order protecting free speech on college campuses:

“I congratulate President Trump for his bold executive order and pray that it will finally restore the First Amendment right of free speech on our college campuses. I hope he will swiftly sign a similar executive order to restore free speech rights in our K-12 schools as well so  students, parents, and teachers will finally have the right to speak out without fear of being bullied, belittled, and silenced by state and national teachers’ unions and their political allies on the far  left.

“The free speech rights of students and teachers in America’s K-12 schools and universities have been under siege for decades. State and national teachers’ unions have undermined the teaching profession and used their unaccountable authority over our schools to indoctrinate generations of students and bully and silence those who disagree.

“Using teacher union dues, they work in partnership with Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign, and organize far-left ‘social justice movements’ such as ‘March for our Lives,’ ‘The Women’s March,’ and ‘Black Lives Matter.’ The National Education Association (NEA) actually gave its highest annual award (the President’s Award) to Colin Kaepernick, the leader of the ‘Take a Knee’ movement. Then as ‘representatives’ of me and all of America’s teachers, union leaders took a knee during the national anthem.

“It’s no wonder that bullies and the intolerant fancy themselves ‘social justice warriors’ — they’ve been inspired and emboldened   union leaders masquerading as real teachers and professors in America’s classrooms.

“I hope President Trump’s executive order marks the beginning of the end of the far left’s campaign to harass, silence and legally threaten educators, parents and students who cherish traditional American values, constitutional freedoms, and the right to think freely.”




Rebecca Friedrichs is the founder of For Kids & Country, a nonprofit organization empowering teachers, parents, students, faith leaders and citizens in the fight to restore proper authority, excellence and safety in America’s schools. 

She is a 28-year veteran public school teacher whose fight against the politics, corruption, division and intimidation tactics of state and national teachers unions resulted in a landmark lawsuit against the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association that was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. Her case paved the way for a precedent-setting ruling which freed all public sector employees from forced unionism. 

Her PragerU video “Why Good Teachers Want School Choice” has over 4.7 million views. She’s the author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country.

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